Impairment-Related Work Expenses

Impairment-Related Work Expenses (IRWE) are costs for items or services that you need to work because of your disability. The expense must not be reimbursed, must be related to your disability(ies) and needed for you to work.

Possible Items That Are Eligible for IRWE

  • Medicine

  • Medical supplies

  • Medical devices

  • Service animals

  • Disposable items such as bandages and syringes

  • Doctors’ visits

  • Caretaking services preparing you for work or while you are working

  • Commuter Costs

  • Modifications to your home or car to allow you to work


Why Use An IRWE

IRWE can help you stay under income limits that could jeopardize your monetary benefits by deducting the costs of an IRWE from your countable income.  Learn More

How NTI@Home Can Help

  • Determine if an IRWE is recommended

  • Help identify possible IRWE

  • Assistance completing and submitting required forms